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Kika Keyboard

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Kika Keyboard is the innovative and quirky emoji & sticker app you need to check out

I’m sure we can all attest to the fact that today when we converse online, words/text are not enough to convey what we truly mean. Sometimes, our thoughts and emotions are better off represented when we send gifs, emoticons, and cute emojis.

And for Android users, you are very lucky you get to customize virtually anything on your device, including the keyboard.
With Kika keyboard, you will have access to more than 60 different layouts. So that when you get bored of the same old keyboard interface, you still have loads to choose from, depending on your preference.

Depending on your mood, there are a variety of stickers to choose from...and the designs are continually expanding!

So, the next time you need to send an emoji or sticker or gif, be prepared by downloading Kika Keyboard!

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