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Doors: Paradox on MyAppFree
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Doors: Paradox

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For as long as we can remember we've been walking on the thin edge between chaos and order. Until one day a mysterious portal was opened and chaos prevailed. Now it's up to you to bring back order...but it is not that simple!

Doors Paradox, an escape-the-room puzzle game, has beautiful art and good ideas. While it isn't difficult, it has just the right amount to keep you occupied in short, mobile-sized chunks. You'll be scrolling and clicking your way through a series of levels. To open doors, you will need to find items, place them where they are supposed to be, turn cranks and pull levers to manipulate the world. Once you have passed the door, you can move on to the next stage.

All levels have their unique style. One might find yourself on a pirate's island, flying through space using an intergalactic post machine, or solving the puzzle to bypass guard statues on an ethereal plane. Each challenge takes around five minutes. It's easy to find the first object, and everything flows smoothly. You'll be moving from one little puzzle to the next, placing pieces back together or tearing them apart until the door opens and you are free to go.

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Apps' Wizard

Developer with a passion for crypto, cats and animated emojis on Telegram.

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