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Pineapple Pen on MyAppFree
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Pineapple Pen

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Pineapple Pen will give you the giggles while delivering pure fun!

Have you ever had a feeling of just simply wanting to stick a sharp object into a fruit? 
....No? Just me? Oh, okay then. Well, I bet it sounds inviting now doesn’t it? :D 

Pineapple Pen is a game where you can stab pineapples and apples with a pen...for whatever reason. You may have a pineapple allergy and want to have revenge on this pesky fruit, or maybe you hate the grainy texture of apples...or you’re most likely simply just bored and looking for a fun, energizing game to pass the time. Well, be entertained for hours on end with this endlessly captivating game!

This game is stress-free. Simply tap to shoot. Collect coins in order to upgrade your pen and give your pineapple and apple new wacky looks. 

Hit two pineapples & apples successively smack in their centers to get a sweet surprise ;)

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