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Flight Pilot Simulator 3D on MyAppFree
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Flight Pilot Simulator 3D

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Pilot a plane in this ultra-realistic simulator where you will be assigned tough and exciting missions!

Have you ever dreamed of piloting your very own 747? Or maybe you’ve fantasized about going on daring rescue missions?
Well, you are in for a treat! Because, for ZERO dollars you can download Flight Pilot Simulator on the Store. And I guarantee you will be absolutely blown away! 

You will get the chance to fly a plane...from takeoff and navigating through the sky, up until you safely land...your skills will be put to the test. Unlike other flight simulator apps, this one has an enormous map you can fly through. Also, the missions are really challenging and enjoyable...play as part of a team of firefighters putting out a forest fire or a skilled pilot on a rescue mission.

Another great thing about Flight Pilot Simulator is that it has amazingly crisp and vivid graphics. The details of the aircraft, as well as the sceneries, sets this app apart from other simulators.

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