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Mirror Moji Maker on MyAppFree
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Mirror Moji Maker

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Enjoy watching your face transform into a playful cartoon version with Mirror Avatar Maker, the greatest avatar creator for androids!

This app does a terrific job of creating your very own avatar version. And the results are amazing, they’re so accurate! The app even recreates your nuances and can precisely show your emotions.

The Mirror Avatar Maker also packs other features. Not only can you play around with the avatar face generator...You can also create personalized emoji stickers that you can send to your friends and loved ones. And if you ever get those moments wherein a message from others are best replied with a gif...well, shock them with an animated gif of your very own face or switch things up and use their own pictures and transform them into their cartoon counterparts!

This app is tons of fun! 

Join in on the craze with the millions of others that have downloaded this FREE app!

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