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Bottled - Message in a Bottle on MyAppFree
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Bottled - Message in a Bottle

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Send a message and chat with anyone, anywhere in the world the old-fashioned way!

Bottled is a new revolutionary and very unique way of making new friends and chatting. The premise is: You’re alone on a far away, isolated island with no one to talk to. You’re surrounded by nothing but vast expanse of water. You began to grow lonely and thought of writing a message and throwing it into the ocean, hoping someone would pick it up and read it. 

When someone picks up your bottle, they have the choice to keep it or throw it back into the ocean. If they keep it, you can start chatting and they keep you as a friend. If not, you’ll have to wait for someone who does. 

Same rules apply to you as well. Random bottles will be there for the taking, you decide which ones to keep or reject. 

Earn rewards throughout the globe when you connect with other users! You will want to use those gold coins to fund your future bottles.

Learn more about the other characters such as the Octopus, a rum, pirates, a compass -   in this interesting yet mysterious app.

So are you up to meeting strangers from around the globe? Bottled is absolutely FREE to download. Grab it now.   

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