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Mirrativ is the ultimate partner for streamers! With a simple tap, you can become a streamer from anywhere in the world!

Video game live-streaming has been around for ages but it has been mostly confined to PC and console. Before, there wasn’t anything you could do if you wanted to broadcast yourself playing Android games. Don’t despair! Mirrativ is the perfect tool to let you do just that!

Mirrativ is great for screen-sharing. With three simple taps, you can broadcast your screen to an audience! This is a platform where you can also follow your favorite gamers and other streamers and be on the lookout for their content and vene watch their past streams...all for free!

You can literally stream anytime and anywhere with Mirrativ. Killing some time before your next class? Stream a battle royale game! Bored on a bus ride? Broadcast yourself playing gacha games!

Download and use Mirrativ for free!

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